Free shipping is available inside Canada on all orders placed with Digital Imports for CA$99 or CA$149 depending on your province (more info). Please choose the Free shipping option under shipping methods before finalizing your checkout.
We use the shipping method that we have access to at the moment. Certain free shipping choices might not be monitored. Free shipping packages do not come with extra insurance applied to them.
We provide a choice of carriers on the checkout page, and we maintain the right to change at any moment if we think that a different carrier would result in a faster or more affordable delivery for Digital Imports.
Free shipping orders have to come from the same warehouse. We will get in touch with you to arrange a replacement item or to arrange for additional delivery if all of the items in your order are out of stock at one distribution centre and need to be transported from different locations.
If, for any reason (such as incorrect address, unavailability to pick up, or underage), your item is not successfully delivered, we will deduct the shipping costs from the first shipment (even if it was free for you) and the costs for the return shipment that we incurred from the carrier from any possible refund you might be entitled to.
Orders that are shipped to Canada won't have to pay brokerage fees, taxes, or import charges.